Hello, I'm Bridget. I'm an qualified Early Years teacher ... and my little four-legged friend here is Billy!
During my teacher training and early career, I learnt how to teach phonics and could never understand why there wasn’t a similar approach for early maths. I decided to see if I could make a resource to help teach number formation and, what started out as a few doodles in my sketch pad, has now become several actual books!
Learning Needs:
Dyslexia and/or dyscalculia (or any unmet learning need for that matter) may be having an impact on a child’s early learning but may not be picked up for years. To me, it feels unfair that a child may be being left behind with their learning through no fault of their own.
I wanted to create resources that would be inclusive, fun, and accessible to a range of learning styles.
Since becoming a Specialist Teacher of Dyscalculia, the importance of using manipulatives and 'hands on' learning became more apparent, which is why all my numeracy books come with manipulatives to help support learning

For all enquiries you can contact us at the following:
Billy Bees Learning | International House | 64 Nile Street
London | N1 7SR | billybeeslearning@gmail.com
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